Wednesday, February 24, 2010

L.A. River #2 Try

Here is another Try at the L.A. River. I like this one better both in the Drawing vantage point as well as the colors. This one was done later in the day when the Hill on the left hand side was encased in Shadow by the clouds.

Also, I've started using Alizeran Crimson quite sparingly as I noticed my paintings were starting to look bloody. Using now more of the Warm blues, yellows and reds. I think it's working better.

L.A. River #3 Try

What can I say except that I am obsessed.

I like the shape of the nearby hilll. The painting would work better if the Sky were more interesting since I really is the majority of the painting.

Not sure if the nearby tree is discracting in this one.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

L.A. River

Ugh! I liked this at the site but as soon as I took it back to the studio I saw it for all it's Easter Egg Glory!

I'm going to give it another stab. It's a super small painting. And I think it makes me realize how important it is to really hone down the colors to a few essentials....

then the parts that do have color will really pop.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beach Girl...almost there

Here's Beach Girl again. I've still got to mask out the Umbrella pole and add in her two compatriots in the water.

Auction results for the original which sold last year in November. Estimated at $10,000-$15,000. It sold for over $51,000.

The original is 48"x50".

My copy is 14"x18".

Monday, February 15, 2010

Barnsdall Art Tree #2

Here it is again...the Barnsdall Tree again. I wanted to try out using a larger brush and a different brush strokes. I like the strokes but I think I like the 1st one I did better.

The Bright colors aren't bad though...

Clouds: Another Try

Starting to get the hang of clouds. It's almost you've just got to make it up and cartoon it a bit since they are so fleeting. Like drawing big cottonballs in the sky. But I think it's getting there.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


A stab at Plein Air Painting. It was fun.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still In attempt to copy this painting 'Beach Girl, 1975' by Gregory Kondos. Going to continue to work on it. I am fascinated how he composed this painting, the amazing colors and how he captured the waves. It's really a beautiful painting.

My Horizon Line!! It's sinking...and stinking!!!

His slightly, gently rises to the right and make such a difference.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Clouds: StayTuned

Clouds are fleeting and not easy to paint! But I am ever fascinated by the sky. Here is my attempt mid progress. I want to work more on this one....